Address: Calle Mar, 10, 29691 Manilva, Málaga
Phone: +34 952 890 215
Located in the heart of Manilva town, Farmacia Pérez González offers a comprehensive range of pharmaceutical services to the local community.
Address: Avenida de Manilva, 3, 29692 San Luis de Sabinillas, Málaga
Phone: +34 952 890 168
A well-stocked pharmacy in San Luis de Sabinillas, offering medical supplies, personal care products, and prescription services.
Address: Calle Camarón, 3, Puerto de la Duquesa, 29691 Manilva, Málaga
Phone: +34 952 890 320
Description: Located near the marina in Puerto de la Duquesa, this pharmacy caters to both locals and tourists with a wide range of healthcare services.
Address: Avenida de Andalucía, 3, 29692 San Luis de Sabinillas, Málaga, Spain
Phone: +34 952 89 23 91
This public health center offers a range of medical services, including general practice, pediatrics, and nursing care. It's the primary healthcare facility for residents in the Sabinillas and Duquesa areas.
Phone: +34 952 81 18 18
A leading home doctor and emergency service on the Costa del Sol for over 30 years. They offer 24/7 GP home visits, emergency services, and a range of specialist medical care.
Address: Carretera Nacional 340, Km 187, 29603 Marbella, Málaga, Spain
Phone Number: +34 952 22 22 22
One of the leading hospitals on the Costa del Sol, offering a wide range of medical services including emergency care, general surgery, and specialized treatments.
Address: Avenida Ricardo Soriano, 47, 29601 Marbella, Málaga, Spain
Phone Number: +34 952 77 77 77
Specialising in ophthalmology, this clinic offers treatments for eye conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, and vision correction procedures.
Address: Avenida de la Constitución, s/n, 29680 Estepona, Málaga, Spain
Phone Number: +34 952 80 20 00
A general public hospital offering a wide range of healthcare services, including emergency care, specialised treatments, and diagnostic services. It serves the Estepona and surrounding areas.
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