Sport and Fitness
Located in Duquesa, Blue Fitness offers a wide range of gym equipment and fitness classes. The gym is equipped with industry-leading machines, including pin-loaded equipment, free weights, and a functional training zone. Memberships range from one week to a year, with day passes also available.
Arenal Wellness Gym provides a variety of fitness equipment and a dedicated spinning studio. Known for its cleanliness and well-maintained facilities, it offers a great environment for workouts.
Located at the Sabinillas Sports Centre, this indoor swimming pool is perfect for those who enjoy aquatic exercise. It offers year-round access to swimming facilities, making it ideal for fitness and leisure.
Situated close to Manilva, Casares Fitness provides a well-equipped gym, fitness classes, and a spa. It’s a great choice for those looking for a comprehensive wellness experience.
Edufy Ciudad Deportiva is a modern sports complex featuring fitness areas, padel courts, and other sports facilities. It caters to a variety of athletic activities in a well-maintained environment.
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