Mirror Mirror Bar in Duquesa Port is a standout spot for great drinks, a lively atmosphere, and top-notch service. Whether you’re looking for a relaxed evening or a late-night out, this bar has it all—especially with its doors open until 3 AM, making it one of the best places to keep the night going.
A huge part of what makes Mirror Mirror so special is the incredible staff. Wez, the cocktail master, crafts some of the best drinks in town with skill and creativity, ensuring every cocktail is as impressive as the last. Christian adds to the experience with his friendly and attentive service, making sure everyone feels welcome and looked after. Their combined energy creates an atmosphere that keeps people coming back time and time again.
Images © Gabriel Enrique Gonzales Mejias / BestByBoris / Frank Beyer
Another highlight is the jukebox, which seems to have a never-ending selection of songs. No matter your music taste, you’ll find something to suit the mood, whether it's classic rock, chart-toppers, or old favourites. The music adds to the already buzzing vibe of the bar, making it the perfect place to enjoy a drink and unwind.
Mirror Mirror Bar is also home to the bi-weekly ‘Let’s Meet Manilva’ group, a fantastic event that brings locals and newcomers together in a friendly, social setting. It’s a great place to connect with people and enjoy the welcoming spirit of the community.
With its fantastic drinks, unbeatable atmosphere, and excellent service, Mirror Mirror Bar is easily one of the best spots in Duquesa Port. Whether you’re popping in for a quick drink or staying out late until closing at 3 AM, you’re guaranteed a great time.
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