Local News
The Mayor of Manilva and Head of the Urban Planning Department, José Manuel Fernández, accompanied by the Councillor for Infrastructure and Works, Marcos Ruiz, and a team of municipal technicians, recently travelled to Málaga to discuss pressing infrastructure projects with the Delegate for Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development, Fernando Fernández Fernández.
One of the key topics of discussion was the ambitious municipal project to vault the Arroyo El Estanquillo in El Castillo de la Duquesa. This significant undertaking aims to enhance connectivity between the area of El Castillo and Los Granados while ensuring that the natural course of the stream is respected. By implementing this initiative, the town will not only improve accessibility but also promote sustainable urban development.
Image © Ayuntamiento de Manilva
The project holds increased importance due to the ongoing construction of 67 Publicly Protected Housing units on a nearby municipal plot. The provision of these housing units is a crucial step towards addressing local housing needs, and the successful completion of the Arroyo El Estanquillo vaulting will further contribute to the area's development and integration.
With the necessary approval from the regional administration, the project will continue to move forward, ensuring it's completion at the earliest possible opportunity. The local government remains committed to enhancing infrastructure and improving the quality of life for Manilva’s residents through strategic urban planning and sustainable development.
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