At the Cre8ive Academy we're committed to empowering students to express their creativity, develop real-world skills, and turn their passions into successful ventures.
Whether you are an aspiring musician, content creator, or entrepreneur, we are here to help you bring your ideas to life.
Located near Manilva, Sotogrande International School offers personalised English education for children aged 6 months to 18 years. As a top International Baccalaureate (IB) day and boarding school, they provide a comprehensive curriculum designed to foster cross-cultural awareness and equip students with skills for a dynamic world.
Situated in Manilva, Satori Recovery is a holistic rehabilitation centre focusing on addiction and mental health support. They offer personalised treatment plans, including medical detox, therapy sessions, and wellness activities. Their approach integrates physical, mental, and spiritual healing to promote lasting recovery.
Located on the seafront promenade in Sabinillas, this state primary school offers education for children in the local area. The school features its own kitchen and dining facilities, playgrounds, and sports areas, providing a comprehensive learning environment.
Established in 2006, Colegio Maicandil is a state primary school situated in Sabinillas. It has become popular among newcomers due to its facilities and support for English-speaking parents and students. The school offers modern amenities and a welcoming atmosphere for young learners.
Serving the community of Manilva Village, Colegio Pablo Picasso is a state primary school dedicated to providing quality education to local children. The school focuses on fostering a supportive and engaging learning environment.
Situated near Manilva, Alma Forest School offers an alternative education model rooted in the Forest School tradition. Catering to children aged 3 to 11, the school emphasises outdoor learning, allowing students to engage with nature while developing academically and personally.
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