Local News
Since its launch in January 2012, Manilva Coffee Chat has blossomed into a thriving community of over 40,000 members. The group is a go-to space for locals to ask questions, offer advice, and enjoy the light-hearted banter that comes with everyday life in Manilva. Classic questions like "Is the market on today?" often spark witty responses, creating a friendly atmosphere.
But it’s not just about having fun—the group also plays a vital role in supporting the local St George’s Charity. Local businesses contribute small donations to promote their services, ensuring the group can continue to help fund charity initiatives and make a real difference in the community.
Image © Manilva Coffee Chat / Love Manilva
What sets Manilva Coffee Chat apart is the proactive role of its admins. They work tirelessly behind the scenes to keep the group running smoothly, maintaining a positive and supportive environment for everyone. Their dedication ensures that the group remains a safe space where locals can connect, share experiences, and support one another.
Whether you're new to Manilva or a long-time resident, the group is a fantastic resource for staying connected to what’s happening in the area, while also contributing to the local community. It’s the perfect blend of camaraderie, laughter, and charity.
You can join the group by following this link
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