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At LoveManilva.com, we are always on the lookout for inspiring community stories—those that remind us of the power of connection and the kindness of people who turn personal challenges into opportunities to help others. One such story is that of the ‘Let’s Meet’ group, a grassroots initiative that has blossomed into a lifeline for many in our community.
It all began in November 2016 with a simple question: what do people do at weekends in the winter? For one resident, the loss of her husband had left weekends feeling empty, so she decided to create a space where others could come together, talk, and share a laugh. A Sunday afternoon meet-up group was born, centred around a fun quiz designed to spark conversations and friendships. Despite initial setbacks in finding a venue, Mirror Mirror stepped in to offer their space, and on 27th November, the first ‘Let’s Meet’ gathering welcomed 12 attendees. One of them was a man named Steve.
As word spread, the group grew. It became more than just a quiz night; it became a network of support for newcomers and long-time residents alike. A place where people could feel at home, where friendships were forged, and where no one had to feel alone. When Debbie, a member from Wales, proposed the idea of forming a community choir, another chapter of this beautiful journey began. With the help of Shirley, a talented music teacher and choir master, the ‘Love to Sing’ choir was formed. Today, it is an international choir of 60 members, performing concerts to raise funds for local causes—a testament to the strength of community spirit in Manilva.
Images © Monahans
The ‘Let’s Meet’ group didn’t stop there. It continued to evolve, adding a Friday night social gathering and a new initiative called ‘Let’s Walk and Talk’—a Monday walking group aimed at keeping people active while fostering conversations. What makes this group truly special is the unwavering support its members offer each other. Whether it’s providing information for newcomers, offering practical assistance, or simply lending an ear, the group has become a family. When one member needed daily trips to Málaga for radiotherapy, the group organised a rota to make sure she never had to face the journey alone.
In an extraordinary twist of fate, the group also sparked a love story. That first meeting in November 2016 was where two people—both having endured unthinkable loss—met and built a friendship. Over the years, that friendship deepened into love, and in 2022, they were married.
The happy couple who tied the knot
The greatest compliment this group receives is when members say, “If it weren’t for this group, I would have really struggled. I might have even gone home.”
This is what community is about. This is what LoveManilva.com is here to celebrate—people who turn life’s hardest moments into something beautiful, people who make Manilva not just a place to live, but a place to belong. To those who have made ‘Let’s Meet’ and ‘Love to Sing’ what they are today, we thank you. You remind us all that when we come together, we can create something truly special.
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